Kumar has been accused of allegedly fudging data on the number of Super 30 program students clearing the IIT-JEE (Advanced) examinations.
Shatrughan Sinha speaks in support of 'Super 30-Anand Kumar'
Mumbai - 30 Jul 2018 12:29 IST
Our Correspondent
Mathematician Anand Kumar finds himself in the midst of a storm following accusations that he allegedly fudged data on the number of his Super 30 program students clearing the IIT-JEE (Advanced) examinations. A biopic on Kumar, starring Hrithik Roshan, is currently under-production. The film, titled Super 30, is slated to be released next year.
Veteran actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha has come out in support of the embattered mathematician. Sinha posted a series of tweets where he termed the attack on Kumar as another act of mob lynching.
“The lynching continues in one form or another – from physical to verbal to "rumoral"...This time the victim seems to be our own hero of “Super30-Anand Kumar” - the genius, mathematician, guru, role model, pride of Bihar, pride of the Nation with years of successful teaching,” Sinha wrote.
The lynching continues in one form or another – from physical to verbal to "rumoral"...This time the victim seems to be our own hero of “Super30-Anand Kumar” - the genius, mathematician, guru, role model, pride of Bihar, pride of the Nation with years of successful teaching...1>2
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) July 29, 2018
He further called the allegations a fake and fabricated issue. “... providing quality education selflessly & shaping his students in making it to the top academic echelons. It seems he has been put under hindrance by some unrecognized people who've named his brand in a fake, fabricated issue with some unsubstantiated charges,” he added, suggesting that the allegations are work of unrecognized people who want to tarnish the brand of Anand Kumar.
.....providing quality education selflessly & shaping his students in making it to the top academic echelons.
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) July 29, 2018
It seems he has been put under hindrance by some unrecognized people who've named his brand in a fake, fabricated issue with some unsubstantiated charges......2>3
...for their own vested interest, which has no connection with him or his vision. Really wonder – aren’t we damaging our own kids future (& in turn Bihar’s future) by critising or maligning him. I personally know him - am his supporter, well-wisher & admirer....3>4
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) July 29, 2018
He further urged the people of Bihar to stand behind Kumar.
“I am fond of him & proud of him like many of you. Hope, wish & pray that the society would be able to distinguish all these sponsored issues & stand by Mr Anand Kumar at this stage, so that he is able to continue his mission of taking our nation to the top...Jai Bihar. Jai Hind!,” tweeted Sinha.
I am fond of him & proud of him like many of you. Hope, wish & pray that the society would be able to distinguish all these sponsored issues & stand by Mr Anand Kumar at this stage, so that he is able to continue his mission of taking our nation to the top...Jai Bihar. Jai Hind!
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) July 29, 2018
Last week, Abhayanand, who is said to have founded the Super 30 program spoke to Cinestaan.com and stated that Anand must prove 26 of his students cleared the IIT-JEE (Advanced) this year.