Actress-dancer Nora Fatehi is the latest to join the increasing cast of Ali Abbas Zafar's Bharat. The film is set for an Eid 2019 release, and is headlined by Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Disha Patani, among others. Fatehi, who was recently seen in the very popular song, 'Dilbar', from Satyameva Jayate, will be playing a Latino character in the film.
Zafar's Bharat is an official remake of the Korean hit drama, Ode To My Father (2014). The film will see Khan and Chopra take on five different looks as they follow the journey of their characters from the early 1940s till the 2000s. The film's story spans across seven decades, and is one of the big releases of next year.
Fatehi has been cast to play a Latino character in the film. While there is not much information about her role, it will mark only her second film. The Moroccan-Canadian dancer was last seen in My Birthday Song (2018), directed by Samir Soni.
The actress is the latest to join the cast which also has Sunil Grover, Jackie Shroff and Tabu. Grover is set to play Bharat's (Salman Khan) friend, while Patani will be playing his sister. While earlier reports suggested Patani might be playing a romantic lead, it was later revealed that Chopra will be the only romantic lead, and will play Bharat's wife in the film. Shroff is reported to be playing Khan's father. Tabu has also been roped in to play a pivotal role.
Speaking of her joining the team, Fatehi said, "Excited to be a part of project of this magnitude. It’s a dream come true ! The team is impeccable and the combination of Ali sir and Salman sir is the perfect combination. For me, these were reasons good enough to willingly come on board. Looking forward to begin shooting soon."
The shoot for Bharat is currently underway. The film is set to be released on the Eid weekend of 2019.