Directed by first-time filmmaker Manav Bhalla, Lashtam Pashtam’s cast include the Om Puri, Tisca Chopra, Dolly Ahluwalia, Ishita Dutta, Feryna Wazheir, Vibhav Roy and Samar Vermani.
Lashtam Pashtam trailer: A convoluted story of friendship across borders
Mumbai - 25 Jul 2018 11:51 IST
Sonal Pandya
The interestingly titled Lashtam Pashtam promises a tale of love and friendship. But the film’s trailer reveals almost nothing about the story or its characters to get one interested.
Directed by first-time filmmaker Manav Bhalla, Lashtam Pashtam’s cast include the Om Puri, Tisca Chopra, Dolly Ahluwalia, Ishita Dutta, Feryna Wazheir, Vibhav Roy and Samar Vermani. The highly melodramatic trailer indicates the film will take place in Dubai, India and Pakistan.
Veterans Puri and Ahluwalia are given emotional scenes to perform but there is no context to them. The two youngsters Samar Vermani and Vibhav Roy seem to be at the center of the fractured friendship across borders.
In a press statement, Bhalla said the film celebrated universal brotherhood. “While it has an India-Pakistan context, its essence can be true for any friendship that transcends the limitations of political borders drawn between any of us, anywhere. We were blessed to have a fantastic ensemble cast led by the legendary Om Puri ji who gave his 100 percent to the film and believed in its theme of friendship beyond borders. The film highlights the values that Om ji held very dear - as a human being and as an actor - universal peace and harmony and is aptly set to release on this Independence Day Weekend. I will forever cherish having worked with Om ji on (probably) his last film and my first.”
Surprisingly, at the end of the trailer, when Puri’s character asks about the meaning of Lashtam Pashtam, he goes unanswered. The film, inspired by true events, is due to be released before the Independence days of India and Pakistan on 10 August.
Watch the trailer below:
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