Lashtam Pashtam. These two words have baffled users on social media for a few days now. Signs reading 'What the hell is Lashtam Pashtam' have popped around metro stations, people are wondering about the words on the radio and on the streets. So what exactly is Lashtam Pashtam? The tweeple are asking.
Words like 'love', 'trust', 'fate' and more make up the title of the film in the motion poster. The film, inspired by true events, will likely explore relations between Pakistan and India. With the tagline, 'Brothers Beyond Borders', it seems like the name refers to two people living in either side of the border. While the trailer of the film will be out tomorrow (25 July), Lashtam Pashtam is due to be released on 10 August 2018.
Watch the motion poster below: