After producing her first film, Pad Man (2018), starring husband Akshay Kumar, Twinkle Khanna will be releasing her third book this year. The fiction book titled, Pyjamas are Forgiving, is being published by Juggernaut Books. Khanna already writes a bi-monthly column, known for her wise-cracking observations as a star wife and her humourous takes on everyday life, for The Times of India.
The upcoming book has a plot that would seem right at home in her columns. The story will revolve around a woman "stuck in an ayurvedic retreat with her ex-husband and his younger second wife”.
She announced the cover of her book on Twitter, stating that she was a nervous wreck at the reveal.
The book cover shows an upside-down woman in loose white pyjamas surrounded by all-natural elements. Khanna's first book, Mrs Funnybones, was published in 2015. The book was filled with anecdotes from her real life, where she talked about her mother, actress Dimple Kapadia, and how she manages her household of four - her husband Akshay and her children, Aarav and Nitara.
Her second book, The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad, was a collection of four stories. One of them, Salam, Noni Appa, was turned into a stage play starring Lillete Dubey while the other, The Sanitary Man of Sacred Land, inspired her home production, Pad Man, which is based on the true story of social entrepreneur Arunachalam Muruganantham who invented a machine to produce low-cost sanitary napkins.