The cast photograph features the reel counterparts of Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, LK Advani, Shivraj Patil, Gursharan Kaur and others. Only actor Akshaye Khanna is missing.
Sonal Pandya
This December, between two star-studded films — Shah Rukh Khan's Zero and Ranveer Singh's Simmba — a smaller politicial film is shaping out to be quite intriguing. Another photograph from the upcoming film, The Accidental Prime Minister, directed by first-time filmmaker Vijay Gutte, features the majority of the cast. Only actor Akshaye Khanna, who plays Manmohan Singh's media advisor Sanjaya Baru, is missing.
Welcome the reel cabinet! Here's a picture of the Main Cabinet of #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister!@AnupamPKher @mehtahansal @suzannebernert #AkshayeKhanna @mayankis @Bohrabrosoffic1 @AahanaKumra @GutteVijay @mathurarjun
— The Accidental Prime Minister (@TAPMofficial) July 23, 2018
The photograph, with 19 cast members, shows Anupam Kher as former prime minister Manmohan Singh in the the middle with his wife Gursharan Kaur, played by Divya Seth, next to him. Other politicial personalities from Sonia Gandhi (German actress Suzanne Bernert), Rahul Gandhi (Arjun Mathur), Priyanka Gandhi Vadra (Ahana Kumra), APJ Abdul Kalam, LK Advani (Avtar Sahni), Shivraj Patil (Anil Rastogi), Lalu Prasad Yadav (Vimal Verma), are also present.
All the key players look the part and all credit for their transformation goes to the makeup and costume teams of the film. Earlier this month, in a Twitter chat, Kher too mentioned the hard-working production team who created their looks.
Thanks. The whole team of make up artists and costume people have worked very hard.:) @TAPMofficial
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) July 11, 2018
However, this is just a fraction of the film's total cast. Director Gutte told the newspaper The Times of India that the film features 163 characters. The Accidental Prime Minister, which will also be out in English, is due to be released on 21 December 2018.
Meanwhile, Kher is headed to New York for a 'substantial time' to film his upcoming American television series, New Amsterdam. The actor will feature in the medical drama as Dr Anil Kapoor.
On my way to NY to act in @NBCNewAmsterdam- Medical drama series. Looking forward to it. Will be out of India for a substantial time. So will be missing my India but will work very hard to make all of you very proud. Will always need your love, best wishes and blessings. ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂð
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) July 22, 2018