A Delhi court has reportedly ordered the police to register a first information report (FIR) against veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty’s son Mahaakshay and wife Yogeeta Bali on charges of rape, cheating and inducing miscarriage without consent.
News reports from the capital said the victim is an actress who has worked in Bhojpuri and Hindi film.
She said she was in a sexual relationship with Mahaakshay since 2015 and the latter had promised to marry her. However, after the miscarriage was induced, the woman's complaint said, Yogeeta Bali called her up and warned her to forget about becoming her daughter-in-law.
The court in Rohini ordered the Delhi police to look into the matter.
Mahaakshay made his debut with the screen name Mimoh in Raj N Sippy’s Jimmy (2008). The film bombed. He thereafter did a few films like Haunted 3D (2011), Loot (2011), Rocky (2013), Enemmy (2013) and Ishqedarriyaan (2015) with his given name, but none of them met with much success at the box office.
His next film Tukkaa Fitt has been in the making for a long time.
Mahaakshay Chakraborty is slated to get married on 7 July.