Soorma, the biopic on former India hockey player Sandeep Singh, had an average opening weekend at the box office. The film, featuring Diljit Dosanjh and Taapsee Pannu, made Rs13.25 crore nett in its opening weekend.
According to trade sources, Soorma is made at an estimated budget of Rs18 crore, plus Rs7 crore spent on prints and advertisements. The film is said to have been released across 1,100 screens in the domestic market and 335 screens in the overseas market.
Diljit Dosanjh on Soorma: I thought I would never be able to do a sports biopic
Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Sanju made Rs20 crore nett in its third weekend, but Soorma sems to have been more affected by the performance of Hollywood film Ant-Man And The Wasp that bagged Rs19.50 crore nett in India. The Hollywood film has been released in over 1,300 screens in India.
Soorma had a low opening of Rs3.25 crore nett, and fared marginally better on the weekend with Rs4.75 crore nett and Rs5.25 crore nett on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Ant-Man And The Wasp had an opening day collection of Rs5.25 crore nett, which rose to Rs7 crore nett and Rs7.25 crore over the weekend.
Guilt of not knowing Sandeep Singh's story made me take up Soorma: Taapsee Pannu
Dosanjh had made an impressive debut in Hindi cinema with Udta Punjab (2016) that had made Rs58 crore nett at domestic box office. Udta Punjab was multi-starrer film which was released in 2,200 screens. Post Udta Punjab, Dosanjh found the going tough with Phillauri (2017) making Rs25.02 crore nett (budget of Rs20 crore). Welcome to New York was also a disaster, bagging a poor Rs3.03 crore nett when its budget was Rs34 crore nett.