Actress Priyanka Chopra dropped the 'marriage' bomb in a interview with the website, ETOnline, while speaking about her current beau, Nick Jonas. The actress admitted that as a 'romantic', she loves the 'idea of marriage', and sees herself getting married 'at some point'. Jonas and Chopra were recently in India, and were spotted together at the engagement ceremony of industrialist Mukesh Ambani's son, Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta.
In a casual interview, the actress spoke about Jonas experience of India saying, "That’s what he said. I think he really enjoyed it. It was really beautiful. He had a great time."
The two have been in the news ever since Jonas and Chopra met at the MET Gala dinner in 2017. Since then, the couple have been going strong spending vacation, and holidays with each others' friends and relatives.
Speaking of love, Chopra revealed that she is a romantic, but likes to have thoughtful things done for her. "I'm super mushy, and I think, 'Why not?' You know, when you love someone or when you care about somebody, making them feel special and giving attention is the most important thing."
But she even went further to saying that despite her insistence on 'feminism', she is not averse to getting married. "I love the idea of marriage," Chopra admitted, "I don’t think marriage makes you smaller or bigger or more feminist or not. Feminism basically is women saying, 'Give us our own choices without judging us.' That’s all it is. It’s not about berating someone. It’s not about proving a point. I totally would love to get married."
Given the reports of the two already wearing 'promise rings', as an informally engaged couple, the day might not be too far off to see Chopra's wish being fulfilled.