Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar's sci-fi adventure has run into trouble yet again. Reports now suggest that director Shankar's blockbuster might be postponed yet again, from its scheduled 27 April release date. The film has reportedly run into trouble owing to its exhaustive VFX process. The nature of the film in mind, the makers have now chosen to delay the release further.
The film, starring Rajinikanth, Akshay and Amy Jackson, has already been postponed twice. Initially scheduled to be released in December 2017, it was postponed to 25 January 2018. However, the announcement of Pad Man's release on the same day ensured a further postponement to 27 April.
Firstpost.com quoted a source from the film saying, "The VFX work is taking longer than expected because it has been distributed to many studios across the globe. The film has around 11000 VFX shots and each shot is being worked upon with a lot of care. Shankar sir doesn’t want to compromise on the output, therefore, he doesn’t mind if the film doesn’t get completed in time for (an) April release. The team is eyeing Independence Day weekend release. August 15 falls on a Wednesday, so the team wants to cash in on that weekend."
However, the final date has not yet been confirmed. The possibility of an Independence Day release would ensure that the film will play in to Akshay's growing trend of releasing films on Republic or Independence Day weekends. It was only the arrival of Padmaavat that prevented Pad Man from being released on 25 January.
However, if the film is not released on the Independence Day weekend, it will clash with another Akshay-starrer, Gold. Directed by Reema Kagti, the film is based on the first hockey team from independent India to win a gold medal.
On Republic Day, director Shankar had tweeted that work was being undertaken on the 'mob scene' in LA involving a lot of CG (Computer Graphics). He added that once the work is completed, the teaser for the film would be released.
However, since then, there has been no sign of the teaser.
Apart from 2.0, Rajinikanth will also have Kaala set for release later this year. The actor has finished dubbing for the film, which will be released simultaneously in Hindi and Tamil.