Marathi actor Praful Bhalerao lost his life yesterday in a train accident in Mumbai. He was 22. He was last seen in the Marathi film Barayan, that released on 12 January.
The incident took place at Malad station while he was trying to catch a running train. Senior police inspector Shailendra Dhiwar from Borivali Government Railway Police (GRP), told DNA, a daily, “Around 4.15 am, Bhalerao tried catching a running Churchgate local from platform number two, fell off from the train and went on to hit a signal pole and sustained a head injury.”
“Motorman from next approaching train spotted a person lying near the tracks and informed the station master. An announcement was made at the station after which GRP personnel took the person to Ambedkar Hospital, where he was declared brought dead,” he added.
Dhiwar also informed that Bhalerao worked with Just Dial and was returning after finishing the night shift.
A Twitter user shared a CCTv clip that shows Bhalerao running on the footover bridge to catch a train.
The actor is most known for his work in the Marathi TV serial Kunku. He also starred in few other serials, namely Tu Majha Sangati, Nakushi and Jyotiba Phule.