Yoodlee Films' upcoming venture, Kuchh Bheege Alfaaz, revolves around a very hip modern love story that unfolds over the current world of social media and whatsapp messages. Directed by Onir, the film is scheduled to be released on 16 February.
The first teaser of the film though is a throwback to the 1990s with its mellow soundtrack of the famous Aamir Khan song 'Pehla Nasha' from Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar (1992).
The teaser features the two leads of the film, debutante Zain Khan Durrani and Geetanjali Thapa. While Durrani plays an RJ, Thapa plays the woman on the other side of the audio divide. The teaser begins with the mellow music of the classic 'Pehla Nasha' playing the background as Durrani's RJ recites a couplet. While it is interesting to see how the drama will unfold over the virtual world, it is clear that music does have a touch of throwback romance.