There is something about Nana Patekar that makes you sit up and watch even in oddball comedies. In Satish Rajwade's Aapla Manus, the actor returns to the brusque, rough character that marked his rise in the early years. The teaser of the film, which was released today, captures this very character out to investigate a mysterious suicide.
The film, produced by Ajay Devgn Ffilms and Watergate Marathi Motion Pictures in association with Shree Gajanan Chitra, revolves around a mysterious suicide in a comfy housing society. This brings Maruti Nagargoje (Nana Patekar) to the doors of the society. Tough talking, with enough sarcasm to sting, the cop raises the heckles of a upper middle class couple, played by Iravati Harshe and Sumeet Raghvan. While the cop investigates, the two look to be hiding something more beneath the middle class exterior.
The teaser, understandably, revolves around Patekar's no-nonsense cop who has his own style of working. This will be the actor's second Marathi film in two years, after the hugely successful, Natsamrat (2016).
Aapla Manus is set to be released on 9 February.