Vidyut Jammwal has been on the quiet since Baadshaho (2017), but the actor has been working away. Jammwal will be starring in Chuck Russell's upcoming action adventure, Junglee, co-starring the elephant, Bhola. The actor paid his salute to his co-star and friend in the first teaser of the film.
Beginning with the invocation to Lord Ganesha, the teaser features Jammwal performing a traditional 'Gananatha Pranamam' to his elephant friend.
While the elephant does look friendly, Jammwal certainly puts his physique on show. The actor, who is known for his impressive martial arts skills, was last seen in action heist drama, Baadshaho (2017).
Junglee will feature Jammwal playing a veterinarian who returns to the jungle to find a gang of poachers running wild. The action-adventure film is being produced by Junglee Pictures, and will focus on the unique relationship between a man and an elephant.
Director Chuck Russell is previously helmed films like The Mask (1994), Eraser (1996) and The Scorpion King (2002).
The film's shoot scedule kicked off on 5 December last year. With the release date marked at 19 October, it seems the actor is up and preparing.