The film, which is set against the backdrop of Gujarat, will also star debutante Warina Hussain.
Ayush Sharma's debut Loveratri to be released on 5 October
Mumbai - 24 Feb 2018 15:00 IST
Loveratri, which will launch Salman Khan's brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, is set to be released on 5 October, announced the superstar who has produced the film.
"Loveratri releasing 224 days from today. Batao kya date hai release ki (tell me its release date)," Khan tweeted on Friday.
#Loveratri releasing 224 days from today... batao kya date hai release ki .
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) February 23, 2018
Correct hai #Loveratri ki release date is 5th Oct .
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) February 23, 2018
The film, which is set against the backdrop of Gujarat, will also star debutante Warina Hussain.
Loveratri is a romantic drama which will unfold the love story of the leading couple during the Navratri festival.
The project has been written by Naren Bhatt and directed by Abhiraj Minawala.