In a surprising incident, a pirated version of Neeraj Pandey’s recently released Aiyaary was shown to the public travelling in a Shivneri bus from Mumbai to Pune this morning. The film, starring Manoj Bajpayee and Sidharth Malhotra, hit the theatres on 16 February.
We got the information from a passenger on the bus, which started from Dadar at 7.15am. The passenger clicked a picture and recorded a video of the same.
Aiyaary review: Poor direction, abysmal screenplay shoot down this trickery drama
The Shivneri bus service is run by the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC), which is the public bus transport service by the government of Maharashtra. Needless to say, a government-run bus service openly screening a pirated version of a newly released movie comes as a surprise. passed on the information to Jayantilal Gada, producer of Aiyaary. While he was taken aback, he said that he and his team would look into the matter and take necessary action.
Last month, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat was shown illegally to the public through Facebook Live, which was haulted by the producers.