The synonymously titled Veerey Ki Wedding, starring Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda, is up and running. The film's second song is, naturally, a wedding song with enough drunks, dancing, and attitude to keep the Haryanvi swag going. Featuring Kharbanda, Yuvika Chaudhary and Sapna Chaudhary in a special appearance, the song is titled 'Hatt Ja Tau'.
The song begins at a wedding reception with Kharbanda's character playing bridesmaid to her best friend. There is one problem, as her friend decides to get too drunk and takes to the dancing floor. The song does have enough spunk to make it hummable, but lacks any classy dance moves to catch your attention. Throughout the song, there is little for Kharbanda's character to do other than be embarassed at her friend's audacious moves.
Sunidhi Chauhan lends the song style and rhythm. Her voice seems a little differently pitched than usual, but works positively for the Haryanvi flavour of the song. Jaidev Kumar's music sticks to the simple rhythms, and adds little in terms of novelty.
In all, the song is one that feels all too familiar, and thus, a little ordinary.