Actress-producer Anushka Sharma and husband Virat Kohli, captain of India's cricket team will not make an appearance on television chat show, Koffee With Karan. Sharma issued a statement to the effect after rumours that the newlyweds would appear on Karan Johar's show.
“There is absolutely no truth to the rumours doing the rounds that Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli will be on the next season of Koffee with Karan. Request you to please refrain from any such conjecture,” said the statement issued by Sharma's publicist.
The actress is currently busy with her film Sui Dhaaga (2018), while the Indian cricket captain has a packed cricketing schedule till September this year.
Sharma had earlier appeared on Koffee With Karan with Katrina Kaif before the release of Jab Tak Hai Jaan (2012) and later with her Bombay Velvet (2015) director Anurag Kashyap.