The number of followers on Shah Rukh Khan's Twitter handle recently crossed 33 million. The actor celebrated the occasion by sharing a video for his followers yesterday (11 February 2018). However, he chose to do it in a unique fashion.
The video begins with Khan listing out the efforts he has taken for the video, promising that this is the "most over-whelming, loving message" he has given his fans in the last decade. It is only then we realize that he is standing in a swimming pool!
The actor goes under water and the audio shifts to some of his iconic dialogues from films like Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995), Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998), Devdas (2002) and Om Shaanti Om (2007). It looks like he was trying to mouth these dialogues under water.
Interestingly, the number of followers of Amitabh Bachchan’s Twitter handle slipped from 33 million to 32 million last week . The Pink (2016) actor threatened to quit the social networking site but was relieved when fans supported him on Twitter and made his tweet viral with the WeAreWithAmitabhBachchan hashtag.
Currently, Bachchan has reached 33 million followers again but remains behind Khan who enjoys 33.3 million followers. Khan has the highest number of Twitter followers among actors in India.