Directed by Ken Scott, the film is based on the bestselling novel by Romain Puertolas, The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe.
Dhanush on a colourful voyage in The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir teaser
Mumbai - 10 Feb 2018 11:19 IST
Shriram Iyengar
Dhanush's presence as a star in Tamil cinema has never been under question, but the actor seems to be constantly exploring new horizons. The teaser of his first Hollywood venture, The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir, seems to touch upon this very sense of adventure.
The actor posted the teaser on his Twitter account late on Friday (9 February) evening. He wrote 'Here is the teaser poster of “the extraordinary journey of the fakir” Hope you guys like it.'
Here is the teaser poster of “the extraordinary journey of the fakir” .. my first English film. It’s been an extraordinary journey indeed. .. THIS SUMMER. @LRCF6204 hope you guys like it.
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) February 9, 2018
Directed by Ken Scott, the film is based on the bestselling novel by Romain Puertolas, The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe.
True to its title, the teaser contains a glimpse of a half naked Ajatshatru Lavash Patel (Dhanush) emerging from a suitcase, to face Berenice Bejo. Director Ken Scott makes an appearance in the teaser describing the film.
"Working with Dhanush and all the other actors from so many different cultures was really inspiring," he says.
The story belongs to Ajatshatru Patel, a young Indian born in a neighbourhood of Mumbai. As Scott says, "He knows nothing else, but his neighbourhood." Yet, somehow, by destiny, Patel manages to set out on a journey across the world where he meets more such extraordinary people.
Dhanush manages to deliver with his quirky charm as the bug-eyed Indian taking in the sights of the world. The film is packed with a talented cast of Berenice Bejo from the 2011 Academy award winning film, The Artist, actor-director Gerard Junot, and Barkhad Abidi (from another Oscar nominated film, The Pirates Of Somalia, 2017).
Though the opening sequences remind of films like Slumdog Millionaire (2008), the colours and the comedy in the film point in a different direction.
The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir is set to be released on 30 May 2018.