Actress Anushka Sharma confessed the pink night-suit was her most comfortable costume ever, while Shah Rukh Khan learnt the lyrics from his daughter Suhana.
Actress Anushka Sharma confessed the pink night-suit was her most comfortable costume ever, while Shah Rukh Khan learnt the lyrics from his daughter Suhana.
Mumbai - 08 Dec 2018 18:00 IST
Sonal Pandya
With less than two weeks to go for the release of Aanand L Rai's Zero (2018) starring Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif, the makers have shared a behind-the-scenes look at the romantic number 'Mere Naam Tu'. Composed by Ajay-Atul, the song is choreographed by Remo D'Souza and picturized on Sharma and Khan in the corridor of a hotel.
"I was in the most comfortable costume of my entire life in that song. Usually when you think of an actress in a romantic song, it's usually a very uncomfortable outfit," Sharma shared, saying she wore the night-suit for 14 days during the shooting of the song.
However, that comfort didn't last long as the actress was doused with water and powder colour as part of the number. The featurette also shares how special techniques to show Shah Rukh, who plays a dwarf Bauaa Singh, in the film. The actor is positioned lower than the rest of the action to make himself short and dances with a little girl as well.
Shah Rukh also revealed that his daughter Suhana was on set during the filming of the song to help her father memorize the lyrics.
Of all the things I have done for Mere Naam Tu...this is the sweetest. My daughter teaching me to get the lyrics right on the sets. Hope after she sees the song she approves...
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 7, 2018
Zero, written by Himanshu Sharma, is due to be released on 21 December 2018.
Watch the making-of video below: