With Anushka Sharma, Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra taking to production, more and more actresses are looking to take control of the content creation department. The latest to join the list is Richa Chadha.
The Love Sonia (2018) actress is turning producer with her friend Shuchi Talati's film on a coming-of-age teenage love story.
While Chadha has already presented a short film, Khon Aali Chithi, for the platform, Large Short Films, she is preparing to launch her own venture to produce features. Though the production house is unnamed as yet, Chadha has begun work on the formalities.
Speaking of her interest, the actress said, "In today's day and age, actors are seriously moving towards producing content by themselves in a serious way. An actor, or more an artiste today, isn't bound by just acting in front of the screen. Given space and opportunity that there is today, an actor can write, direct, produce and [do] much more. There are so many great examples we have of actors who are successful in front of the screen, but are also pioneering and championing content as producers, writers and directors."
Shuchi Talati and Chadha have been friends since they were in college together in Mumbai. "I was glad Shuchi asked me to produce this feature for her as it has given me an opportunity for commencing my little venture," the actress said. "We are in the process of finishing formalities for the name of the venture, among other things, but I am glad my first feature is with a dear friend."
Chadha is currently working on Indrajit Lankesh's film on the B-grade movie star Shakeela in the biopic titled Shakeela: Not A Porn Star.