Fraud Saiyaan, directed by Sourabh Shrivastava, is a comedy that deals with a very familiar plot, explored several times before, including in Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl (2011) and the Kapil Sharma film, Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon (2015). The film's plot is basically summed up in its title.
The trailer begins with Arshad Warsi being caught by his wife with his pants down (literally), and with a woman who is also his wife. That should set the tone for the film. Warsi's character, Bhola Prasad Tripathi, is a fraud, a conman who marries girls to enjoy all the sexual benefits and make quick money. Until one day, a girl turns the tables on him.
Shrivastava, the writer and the director of Fraud Saiyaan, had previously directed the Vinay Pathak-Sourabh Shukla starrer comedy, Oh, My God in 2008, which failed to make a mark.
There is no doubt that Warsi is superb at comedy, and he is at his best in the trailer. Saurabh Shukla too makes for the perfect partner in crime. But the plot is quite jaded and the humour feels cheap at times.
The trailer showcases all the masala elements, including Elli Evram's dance number on the remixed version of 'Chamma Chamma' from China Gate (1998) which was released one week before the trailer.
Fraud Saiyaan will open in theatres on 18 January 2019.
Watch Fraud Saiyaan trailer here.