The trailer of superstar Rajinikanth’s next big Tamil outing, Petta, was released on Friday. Going by the first impression of the trailer, the Karthik Subbaraj-directed Petta could be the most entertaining Rajinikanth starrer since Baasha (1995), and it is no exaggeration to say that it will be a treat to watch the 68-year-old star on screen as the film gears up for release on 10 January 2019.
The trailer opens with fleeting shots of Rajinikanth, backed by Vijay Sethupathi’s voiceover describing how Kaali (Rajinikanth's character) stood his ground against 20 men. The trailer also gives a glimpse of the relationship between Rajinikanth and Simran. There is also a cheeky line about how Rajinikanth still looks young and stylish.
The trailer then cuts to Rajinikanth saying we are yet to see some of his planned killings. Tipped to be a revenge drama, the film will see the superstar avenge the death of someone close to him. There are rumours that Trisha plays his lover from the past, and he sets out to avenge her death.
The trailer also has Nawazuddin Siddiqui making a blink-and-miss appearance as one of the villains in the piece, alongside Bobby Simha. The film marks Siddiqui's debut in Tamil cinema.
At the audio launch, Rajinikanth said Petta will be an entertaining throwback to his 1990s oeuvre.
“Karthik has a very different style of storytelling. He directed this film like a true Rajinikanth fan. Petta is an entertaining throwback to the kind of films I did in 1990s. Karthik has extracted from me the kind of work I used to perform three to four decades ago,” Rajinikanth said at the audio launch.
The film, produced by Sun Pictures, also stars Vijay Sethupathi, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Sasikumar, Bobby Simha and Megha Akash in key roles.