Sonam Kapoor Ahuja has had a special year. The actress tied the knot with boyfriend Anand Ahuja in May, and she also shot for a film with father Anil Kapoor for the first time in Shelly Chopra Dhar's Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga. The duo will be seen playing father and daughter on screen next year.
On the eve of Anil Kapoor's 62nd birthday, the actress posted an emotional message for him. "Happy happy birthday Dad... this has been a momentous year for both of us. For the first time in 10 years of being in this industry I shared a frame with you and was your costar. And you also had to see me get married," Sonam wrote.
Anil Kapoor turned 62 today, 24 December. The actor has often been complimented for looking fitter and younger than his actual age.
The actor, in turn, started his birthday with an impressive workout in the park and posted a video on Twitter to motivate others. "Could not think of a better way to kick off the birthday!" he wrote.