Last week, actress Deepika Padukone announced her first project after Padmaavat (2018), titled Chhapaak. The film is based on the life of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal. Directed by Meghna Gulzar, Chhapaak will also star actor Vikrant Massey in the lead.
The actress and director are also co-producing the real-life project. Now, Fox Star Studios will join hands with them to produce the film. The studio made the official announcement online.
The studio has previously produced films like Neerja (2016), MS Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016) and Sanju (2018), all based on the lives of real people. Again, Fox Star Studios is backing the story of Agarwal, an acid attack survivor and activist. Agarwal, at the age of 15, was attacked by three men in 2005 after she had rejected one of the men's proposal for marriage earlier.
As the new poster suggest, Meghna's film will explore Agarwal's "trauma and triumph" along with her "unquashable human spirit". The biopic will also feature her life with partner, social activist Alok Dixit, played by Massey.
Chhapaak is due to begin filming from mid-March 2019 in Delhi and Mumbai, but no release date has been confirmed by the makers as yet.