Filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's next, Mere Pyare Prime Minister, has a new release date. The film is about a young boy wanting to build a toilet for his mother and asking the prime minister for assistance. It was earlier due to arrive on 14 December, but has been moved to 8 March 2019.
The makers of the film made their official announcement today.
The film, which tackles the issue of open defecation in the country, has already had its world premiere at the 13th edition of the Rome Film Festival this October. Starring Om Kanojia and Anjali Patil, Mere Pyare Prime Minister is Mehra’s sixth film.
The poster shows young Kanojia with Patil, who plays his mother, surrounded by his friends, who announce the film's new release date on a chalkboard. The film has music by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy and lyrics by Gulzar.
Mehra previously introduced actor Harshvardhan Kapoor and actress Saiyami Kher in Mirzya (2016) which also featured Patil. Earlier this year, another film with a similar subject, Nila Madhab Panda's Halkaa (2018) was released in September.