Chief minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis has stepped in and promised to sort out the issue of threats to veteran actor Dilip Kumar over the ownership of his residence. The chief minister's response comes days after actress Saira Banu, wife of Dilip Kumar, sent out a plea requesting protection from builder Samir Bhojwani. The actress had also sought a meeting with prime minister Narendra Modi.
Bhojwani had claimed ownership over the two plots on which Dilip Kumar's residence in Pali Hill, Bandra, is constructed. The builder was charged with threatening and harassing the veteran actors over the property in 2017. The police and Economic Offences Wing (EOW) had arrested Bhojwani after complaints by the actor's family.
Recently, the builder was let out on bail, following which Saira Banu issued a plea on Twitter and social media for help in the matter.
Acording to a PTI report, chief minister Fadnavis promised, "I will speak to them and sort out the issue."