The trailer of Pavel’s Rosogolla has been released. The film will launch National award winning director and actor Kaushik Ganguly’s son Ujaan Ganguly, and Abantika Biswas as the lead actors.
Rosogolla narrates the journey of the undaunted Nabinchandra Das, the creator of rosogolla, the iconic mishti or sweet of Bengal. What makes the story more interesting is the fact that Das made the sweet to fulfil a promise made to his wife Khirodmoni, who also became the mastermind behind running a sweets business later.
The striking aspect of the trailer is the way the director has recreated the ambience of old Calcutta and its culture that is deeply linked to the invention of the sweet. The passionate equation between Nabinchandra and Khirod that worked as the primary driving force to the creation of the sweet is also palpable throughout the visuals.
Khirod steals a coin from Nabinchandra playfully and when the latter wants the coin back, Khirod asks him to make a sweet of her requirements. Hence, Nabinchandra’s journey begins, but the path ahead is no bed of roses. Traditionalists slam Nabinchandra who is a mere employee in a sweet shop; he is forced to take up jobs to invest money in his business and fight all the inimical people whose sole aim remains to be jeopardising his initiatives.
Nabinchandra breaks down, only to be rescued by a courtesan (Subhasree Ganguly) who helps him with financial aid. He gets married to Khirod; however, the road ahead still remains fraught with thorns - he gets scorned by his wife until people start recognising rosogolla and asking the speciality of the sweet, which is made with love, labour of sleepless nights, peace of soul and an answer to a long lasting fight.
Needless to say the trailer almost reveals the entire story of the film. The director could have avoided showing the sequences of the courtesan giving money to Nabinchandra, the ones revealing his wrestling skills and the climax as well. Ujaan seems to be promising enough to pull off a challenging character as a debut actor, while Abantika looks no less in her performance as well.
The trailer hints at some interesting songs by Arnab Dutta.
Rosogolla is slated to be released on 21 December.
Watch the trailer below: