While Reema Kagti's Gold is a film built around the story of inspiring sporting achievement, the music score seems to revolve around the antics of Akshay Kumar's eccentric manager, Tapan Das. The actor is once again front and centre in this peppy and rhythmic dance number by Tanishk Bagchi, titled 'Monobina'.
The song is set in yet another celebration that the Indian hockey team is having. No wonder the gathering is in a jovial mood. However, the celebrations begin with a very Western chorus of dance girls on the stage performing the cha-cha before Akshay Kumar's ever-ebullient manager joins in. While his wife (Mouni Roy) and some other officials cringe in embarrassment, his high spirits ensure that the party goes on.
Akshay's athletic and wacky moves do add to some comedy, with a catchy hook step as well. However, the actor seems to be overdoing the exuberant drunk act. In an earlier song, Chadh Gayi Hai by Vishal Dadlani, the theme was somewhat similar.
The composition is very different though. Bagchi brings a very westernised style to the song, that is surprisingly entertaining. The fast-pace of the score combines well with the voices of Monali Thakur and Yasser Desai. The two singers add energy, style and texture to the already layered composition. The lyrics, though quirky, are not much to speak of but are in step with the fun element of the song.
Gold is directed by Reema Kagti, and is set to be released on 15 August.
Watch the song below: