Director Birsa Dasgupta’s upcoming film Crisscross celebrates womanhood against an urban backdrop with five protagonists Ira (Mimi Chakraborty), Meher (Nusrat Jahan), Ms Sen (Jaya Ahsan), Rupa (Sohini Sarkar) and Suzy (Priyanka Sarkar). The story is an adaptation of Smaranjit Chakraborty’s novel with the same title.
Dasgupta recently spoke about his reasons of making a women-oriented film in an interview with Ebela tabloid, stating, “My personal life is surrounded with women. I have seen my mother fulfilling all the responsibilities of the household since my childhood while enjoying herself in the work field as well. Similarly, now I see my wife to be balancing the household and her work. Also, my two daughters are now growing up. All these inspired me to celebrate womanhood. I sincerely feel that everyone will be able to relate to the story.”
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Incidentally, the shooting of the film was started on his mother’s (Chaitali Dasgupta) birthday on 20 March this year.
“It’s a tale of five women whose paths cross as the story progresses. The clock keeps ticking, and each character’s personal mission to accomplish in this dog-eats-dog world. The characters are very different from each other. While one is a strong, independent woman on the outside but frustrated deep down, there’s a single mother who has walked out of her marriage and is trying to make ends meet to raise her son. All these characters and many more, cross paths in the film, which is a story of a day in their lives. All the plots run parallel,” said the director in an interview with The Times Of India.
Crisscross is slated to be released on 10 August.