The upcoming sports drama Gold tells the story of India's first Olympic gold medal. The trailers and songs of the film promise a journey of solidarity and triumph as a hockey team unites to win the ultimate achievement in sport.
The new making video released today (4 August) details how the period film was brought to life by each individual department. Director Reema Kagti said in the video, "At the face of it, Gold is a sports movie, but it's also trying to touch a little bit about a birth of a nation." The film is telling the tale of how India came to her own and found its feet as an independent and emerging nation.
Gold trailer: Tale of free India's first hockey gold amidst passion, patriotism and Partition
Kagti shared that she told all the heads of departments that her goal was to bring out the classic look in the film. The crew, made up of Indians and local Britishers, can often be seen referring to old photographs to recreate the period.
Cinematographer Álvaro Gutiérrez said that they chose to shoot the film in anamorphic format so that the viewer would think the film was shot in the 1940s.
For the production design, the unit brought in vintage cars and recreated posters, banners and hockey equipment in India and took it to England for the shoot.
Make up artist Taranum Khan revealed that some days there would be around 20 actors to ready for a shot in the film. "We transformed them from boys to real gentlemen," her voiceover stated.
For the extras who populate the background in the hockey stadiums in England, the mens' costumes were neutral while the women were the ones with a bit of colour in their clothes.
But the weather plays spoilsport for the unit - both in England (where it's cold and rains often) and in India (where it's too hot). Kagti called the filming experience, intense and "a slap in the face".
Gold is due to be released on 15 August 2018.
Watch the making video below: