Good news, Marvel fans, Thor is headed to India! The actor who plays the Nordic superhero, Chris Hemsworth, is India-bound to film his next, Dhaka (2019), a Netflix film about the kidnapping of a young Indian boy in the neighbouring nation, Bangladesh.
Hemsworth will play a “physically brave but an emotional coward, the man has to come to terms with his identity and sense of self,” according to a report on Hollywood news website,
The action film will be shot in India and Thailand and marks the directorial debut of Sam Hargrave, a former stunt double for Chris Evans’ Captain America back in 2014. Hargrave was the second unit director on this year’s Avengers: Infinity Wars.
The actor will be making his Netflix debut with the India-based film Dhaka. Hemsworth will next be seen in the film Bad Times At The El Royale (2018). He is also slated to appear in the next Avengers film and is also part of the next film in Men In Black franchise.
The casting of the young Indian boy has not been announced as yet.