The first teaser of Tumbbad, directed by Rahi Anil Barve and Adesh Prasad, is an intriguing, interesting tale from a forgone era, the 19th century. Without revealing much, it sets the groundwork for a thrilling story about an ancient goddess, whose favourite son Asthar, when awakened, will bring blessings through his curses.
Actor Sohum Shah is Vinayak, a caretaker of sorts at the forgotten temple of Poorti Devi, who informs young Mohd. Samad about Asthar. He is not somebody to be feared, though young Samad seems scared and fascinated by him at the same time.
Tumbbad will open the 33rd Venice Critics' Week on 29 August, a part of the Venice Film Festival. It is the first Indian film to be selected for the Critics’ Week.
Written by Mitesh Shah, Adesh Prasad, Rahi Anil Barve and Anand Gandhi, Tumbbad also stars Jyoti Malshe, Dhundhiraj Prabhakar Jogalekar, Anita Date, Deepak Damle and Ronjini Chakraborty.
Watch the teaser below: