Actress Sujata Kumar passed away in Mumbai yesterday (19 August) after battling cancer. The news about her death was shared by her sister and actress Suchitra Krishnamoorthi on her official Twitter page. Kumar is most known for playing Sridevi’s elder sister in Gauri Shinde’s English Vinglish (2012).
“Our beloved Sujata Kumar has passed away and moved on to a better place leaving us with an umimaginable void. She left us an hour ago at 11.26 pm on the 19th of August 2018..Life can never be the same again ...,” Krishnamoorthi wrote.
Kumar’s last rites will take place today (20 August) at the Juhu crematorium, Krishnamoorthi has informed via a Facebook post. “We are bidding our last farewell to Sujata Kumar at Juhu crematorium, Vile Parle west, near Pavan Hans today 20th August 2018 at 11am,” she wrote.