The film, starring Rishav Basu, Gargee Roy Chowdhury, Anindya Pulak Banerjee, Manali Dey, Shataf Figar and Sudeshna Roy, is slated to be released on 7 September
Kuasha Jakhon song 'Mon': Soothing composition, passionate lyrics paired with bland visuals
Kolkata - 20 Aug 2018 13:00 IST
Roushni Sarkar
Meenakshi and Abhishek have released the first song from their upcoming paranormal thriller Kuasha Jakhon. Titled 'Mon', the soft romantic number is composed by Chirantan Banerjee and featured lead artistes Rishav Basu and Gargee Roy Chowdhury.
'Mon' is sung by Raj Barman. Its simple lyrics, written by Rajiv Dutta, speak of the blooming romance between the two characters. The words describe the unstoppable yearning of heart and selfless surrender to the beloved. The lover here has completely submitted to his feelings, leaving behind all inhibitions. Now, the time has stopped and he cannot wait to express his feelings to his lady love.
Kuasha Jakhon trailer: Paranormal romance with mystery mansion and unsatisfied souls
The visuals of the song focus on bringing out the inner turmoil of the two characters as they realise their feelings for each other. They often spend time together and form a deep friendship. In each other’s absence, they get lost in memories they share together.
Though the urban composition is soothing, it is not strikingly original. The visuals do not express much passion conveyed by the lyrics.
Kuasha Jakhon also features Anindya Pulak Banerjee, Manali Dey, Shataf Figar and Sudeshna Roy in supporting roles. Rishav Basu’s character in the film is of an occult specialist who comes across haunting incidents of the past while trying to unearth the mystery of an old mansion.
Kuasha Jakhon is slated to be released on 7 September.
Watch the song below:
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