A two-season prequel series, detailing the rise of the Mahishmati empire and focusing on Queen Sivagami, will soon be unveiled on Netflix. Like Sacred Games, the other original series from India, Baahubali: Before The Beginning will be directed by Deva Katta and Praveen Satturu. The series is produced in association with Arka Mediaworks and filmmaker SS Rajamouli.
The original series will draw inspiration from the prequel novel, The Rise of Sivagami, written by Anand Neelakantan. Based on the first book of a trilogy, the series will follow the journey of Queen Sivagami who goes from being a defiant young woman who hates the Mahishmathi empire and eventually becomes its saviour. Popular character Kattappa also gets an interesting backstory in the novel.
In the film, Queen Sivagami was played by actress Ramya Krishnan, while Kattappa is played by actor Sathyaraj.
Producers Shobu Yarlagadda of Arka Mediaworks told trade magazine Variety that "the entire team is working hard to deliver an original series that matches the high expectations set by both the films."
This isn't the first time that the Baahubali films have been adapted for the small screen. The animated series, Baahubali: The Lost Legends, produced by Arka Mediaworks and Graphic India, streamed on Amazon Prime Video. The three season prequel series that debuted in 2017 and 2018 featured around the young princes of the Mahishmati kingdom, Amarendra Baahubali and Bhallaladeva.