Filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj's next film, an untitled project, grows star-studded with each announcement. The film already stars Rajinikanth and Vijay Sethupathi; now comes word that actress Malavika Mohanan, daughter of cinematographer KU Mohanan, will join the film opposite Rajinikanth. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is also in talks to join the project, making his Tamil film debut like Mohanan.
The Subbaraj film is said to be a light-hearted action-drama which will also be dubbed in Hindi. The film has already wrapped its first schedule in Darjeeling this June and will continue filming this September in Dehradun, Coonoor and Chennai for the second schedule.
Mohanan will reportedly join the team in Chennai and is said to have a glamorous avatar in the film. According to a report in the daily tabloid Mumbai Mirror, she and Rajinikanth will also film a romantic number in Europe next month.
The actress is latest in a long line of young heroines from Radhika Apte, Sonakshi Sinha, to Huma Qureshi who will act opposite the superstar in the upcoming film.