Actor Amitabh Bachchan might be on the other side of 70, but his energy can give some of the younger actors a run for their money. The veteran posted a picture of himself recording a song for Umesh Shukla's upcoming film, 102 Not Out, late last night. The actor reportedly sang the song despite having undergone a medical procedure before the recording.
'The world of music knows no boundaries and no rest, despite late hours and medical procedures .. #102NotOut .. there is an additional song now ,' wrote the veteran.
This, despite the revelation that he had just undergone a medical procedure. The actor was rushed to a hospital last month after falling ill during the shoot of Thugs Of Hindostan (2018) in Jodhpur. Since then, the actor seems to be keeping his health under check.
102 Not Out will see Bachchan act with Rishi Kapoor. The veteran plays a 102-year-old man, with a 70-year-old son, played by Kapoor. The film, directed by Shukla, is set to be released on 4 May 2018.