The title video of director Viju Mane’s Monkey Baat revealed that it would be a children’s film. Though the teaser further hints that the film aims to be a joyride, it threatens to overdo its purpose.
The teaser does not give away the story of the film, but it introduces its protagonist Vayu. The schoolboy is naughty and creates havoc with his antics. From throwing a flowerpot on a dozing watchman to smearing rangoli on a girl busy taking a selfie, Vayu is a boy you want to stay away from.
While the intention here is to induce humour, audiences should be careful their little ones do not try these tricks at home. You would not want another child to sit on a pointed pencil, for instance!
In the second half of the teaser, the kid is seen jumping around in a monkey's costume, while in the background people can be heard panicking. The monkey suit does generate some intrigue and makes you want to know the story of the film.
Monkey Baat seems to be shot well and the production values seem good, too. The film mainly stars Pushkar Shrotri, Bhargavi Chirmule and Nayan Jadhav.
Director Mane’s adult entertainer Shikari was released last Friday (20 April) and met with a daunting response. Monkey Baat is all set to be released on 18 May.
Watch the teaser: