The first teaser of director Rajkumar Hirani's long-in-the-making biopic on actor Sanjay Dutt arrives on 24 April. Starring Ranbir Kapoor as Dutt, Manisha Koirala as Nargis and Paresh Rawal as Sunil Dutt, the film is keenly awaited by audiences. Filmmaker Subhash Ghai is one of the lucky few who has seen the teaser already and he thinks the film is going to be amazing.
The editor-turned-filmmaker, Hirani, stopped by Ghai's film institute, Whistling Woods International for a 5th Veda session with students on 20 April. Hirani showed Ghai the teaser and it prompted Ghai to say that he can't stop praising the teaser of the film, Sanju.
Besides Kapoor, Koirala and Rawal, Anushka Sharma, Sonam Kapoor, Dia Mirza, Boman Irani, Vicky Kaushal, Jim Sarbh and Karishma Tanna are also a part of the film. The Dutt biopic is due to be released on 29 June 2018.