The trailer of Shiboprosad Mukherjee and Nandita Roy’s upcoming film Haami was launched on 9 April. The film features noted choreographer Tanusree Shankar, Koneenica Banerjee, Debolina Dutta, Sujan Mukhopadhyay, Kharaj Mukherjee and child artistes Tiyasha Pal and Broto Banerjee in important roles.
The director and Gargee Roy Choudhury will also be seen reprising their roles from Ramdhanu (2014) in the film.
Haami, a story on the relationships between students, parents and teachers in school, deals with the recently reported cases of sexual abuse in some of the noted schools in Kolkata. The trailer suggests that the director duo have not only attempted to portray the insecurities and fear of the parents, but have also highlighted the plight that the teachers and the school committee members go through when such incidents occur.
The chaos and miscommunication surrounding the issue has been woven well with the effect it has on the child's psychology and his/her friendships. It looks like the film will also tap on to the complexities of adolescence with a not-so-friendly school atmosphere in the backdrop.
As Tanusree Shankar points out in the trailer, the crux of the film lies in the impending question — should school campuses be turned into places that are under strict surveillance or should they be restored as the source of the most innocent memories of life?
In an interview with Calcutta Times, a daily supplement of the Times of India, director Shiboprosad Mukherjee said, "As a director, it's my responsibility to build trust and then to sustain it. I am grateful to my audience that they have put their faith in us for so many years. With Haami, too, we aim to tell a story that parents will take away a message from.
"In today's time, the energy around schools have become rather negative. We get to hear only foul things. But is all faith lost? With Haami, a title that is reminiscent of childhood, we aim to rebuild the trust and faith. We always see kids through the eyes of adults. Sometimes, it's important to just let them be kids and see the world as they see it.”
Haami will be released in theatres on 11 May.