At 50, Akshay Kumar, one of the fittest actors in Hindi cinema, could put most teenagers to shame. The actor turns 50-years-old today and is celebrating the landmark birthday with wife Twinke Khanna and kids in Switzerland.
He spoke to daily Hindustan Times, sharing his thoughts on turning 50.
When asked the clichéd question about how he feels, Akshay Kumar replied, “Am I allowed to say it feels as good as it did when I turned 21 (laughs)? I’m really enjoying the fact that I have not only reached 50 alive, but also feeling positive about my career, blessed for my health and over the moon with how I’m spending my big 50 on the Swiss Alps with my family.”
When asked about his best gift, the Toilet: Ek Prem Katha actor replied, “I will never forget the Harley Davidson my wife gifted me, but actually it’s always the family holidays that I cherish the most. You can’t take money or possessions to the grave — only memories and a lifetime of love and happiness. No gift will ever replace the time we spend together. My wife could buy me an island, but I’ll still just want to walk on Juhu Beach (in Mumbai) holding her hand — something we do for free whenever we want, but to me that’s what I call magic.”
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar and makers of Gold released the first poster. It has the image of the actor's character embossed in a gold medal.
The film is said to be based on India’s first gold medal win that was achieved in the discipline of field hockey in the 1948 London Olympics.