There were a lot of speculations and unconfirmed reports about Harshvardhan Kapoor being roped in to play Indian Olympic gold medalist Abhinav Bindra in the latter’s biopic. Producer Prerna Arora of KriArj Entertainment had revealed that Harshvardhan, and his father and veteran actor Anil Kapoor, will also be a part of the film. Now, the junior Kapoor has himself confirmed the news.
In fact, he even met Bindra and posted a picture with him on Instagram page writing, “Beginnings are very special. Especially when you get to play a character that has made the nation proud on world stage. I am stoked to have been chosen to play #AbhinavBindra and hopefully will do justice to the man, the legend! Like the man himself said 'Hard Work is a talent.' #LetsDoThis,” Kapoor posted the same picture on his Twitter account too.
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During an awards function in June, Arora had spilled the beans about both Harshvardhan and Anil being a part of the flm. “It’s a great opportunity to work on a subject that has potential to inspire millions. Harsh is perfect for the part, and will do justice to it. When we watched Mirzya (2016), his potential was evident. He is hardworking and passionate. We believe in the project even more since we have the father-son duo on board,” she had said.
The film will be produced by the senior Kapoor who in the same function had made a few hints too, “It’s too early to speak about the Abhinav Bindra film. Once everything is finalised, I’ll talk about it. But talks are on. If God wishes, we (Harshvardhan and me) will do a film together and it could be this one. I am very excited to work with him, but it is too early to speak about it,” he had said.
The film will be directed by Kannan Iyer, who has previously directed Ek Thi Daayan (2013). While speaking about the film to an agency last year, he had spoken about Bindra’s co-operation. “The story of Abhinav Bindra is worth telling. We are hopeful it would be encourage the youngsters. In a biopic co-operation and enthusiasm of the person matters a lot. Abhinav loved the script. He has been forthcoming. We are glad to have his support,” he said.