Vikram on Tuesday morning, shared a call sheet of her first day at work. Krishna's name was written next to the director's slot and her father's name was written adjacent to the writer's slot.
Filmmaker Vikram Bhatt says he cannot believe that his daughter Krishna, who has assisted him on a few projects, has now become a director.
Vikram on Tuesday morning, shared a call sheet of her first day at work. Krishna's name was written next to the director's slot and her father's name was written adjacent to the writer's slot.
"I can't believe she is a director! Time flies! This call sheet of her first day I shall cherish. Krishna V Bhatt," the filmmaker captioned the image.
I can't believe she is a director! Time flies! This call sheet of her first day I shall cherish. @krishnavbhatt
— Vikram Bhatt (@TheVikramBhatt) September 27, 2017
The details about the project are still under wraps.
Krishna has assisted her father in films like 1920 (2008), Mr X (2015), Haunted 3D (2011) and Dangerous Ishhq (2012).
Currently, Vikram has wrapped up shooting for his next film 1921 (2018), which features actress Zareen Khan and Karan Kundra.
The film revolves around the lead characters, played by Zareen and Karan Kundra, dealing with their dark pasts and secrets to secure their present and future. It is about a struggle between life and death, and is based in Britain.
It is set to be released on 12 January 2018.