Priyanka Chopra, who currently stars in ABC's Quantico, joined Modern Family's Sofia Vergara and Julie Bowen, Grey Anatomy's Ellen Pompeo, Law and Order: SVU's Mariska Hargitay, Scandal's Kerry Washington, The Mindy Project's Mindy Kaling and The Big Bang Theory's Kaley Cuoco on the exclusive list announced by Forbes magazine yesterday. Chopra, at number eight, beat out Robin Wright (of House of Cards) and Pauley Perrette (of NCIS) who were listed ninth and tenth, respectively.
Deepika and Priyanka only 2 actresses in Forbes richest Bollywood actors’ list
Vergara became the leading TV actress for the sixth year in a row with $41.5 million (around Rs269 crore). Cuoco earned $26 million (around Rs169 crore) while Indian-American actress Kaling earned $13 million (around Rs84.5 crore).
Chopra will be honoured alongside singer Kelly Clarkson, filmmaker Patty Jenkins and actresses Michelle Pfeiffer and Octavia Spencer. The luncheon is also linked to Variety's annual Women's Impact Report, which highlights the women of impact within the entertainment industry in 2017. Chopra and co-honorees will also be featured on the cover of the magazine on 10 October.