Actor Shahid Kapoor has signed on Shree Narayan Singh's next film, an untitled project being co-produced by T-Series & KriArj Entertainment. Singh's last film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha is one of the success stories of 2017.
Kapoor is currently looking forward to the period drama Padmavati (2017) which is due to be released on 1 December. His look in the film was revealed a few days ago.
Producer Prernaa Arora of KriArj Entertainment revealed that she shared the script of the upcoming film with Shahid and he agreed to do the film immediately.
Director Singh said in a press release, “With films like Jab We Met (2007), Kaminey (2009), Haider (2014) and Udta Punjab (2016), Shahid Kapoor has definitely proved his mettle as an actor. Having said that, his star presence is undeniable and I look forward to working with him.”
Arora, who will reunite with Singh after Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, said, "Shree Narayan Singh's sensibilities as a filmmaker has given us the confidence that we have another winner on our hands."
Furthermore, in her statement, she said was excited to be collaborating with Kapoor for the first time. "Shahid is one of the industry's finest actors and would completely do justice to the role. We are so excited to be collaborating with him on this one as the role is tailor-made for someone with his talent and calibre. Together, Shahid and Shree, will form a brilliant combo, a winner for us, for sure! (sic)"