The cult classic, Infernal Affairs (2002), directed by Andrew Lau and Alan Alan Mak, was remade into Hollywood film, The Departed (2006). Now, it’s officially being prepared for the Indian market as Azure Entertainment partners with Warner Bros India for a Hindi remake. It will be part of a two-picture deal between the two companies to “jointly develop, produce and distribute key titles from the Warner library”.
Azure Entertainment CEO Sunir Kheterpal revealed that the hunt for a director is already in plac. Kheterpal told, “We will set the film in contemporary times since the original was set in 2002. And of course, the setting will be in India, compared to the earlier two films which were respectively set in Hong Kong and Boston.”
While the second title has not been announced yet, this is not the first time Azure Entertainment will be helming a remake. They produced Rocky Handsome (2016) with John Abraham which is an official remake of the Korean film The Man From Nowhere (2010).
Azure Entertainment has a number of remakes lined up including the Spanish films The Body (2012) and The Invisible (2016), and the French film Heartbreaker (2010). They also own the rights to the books, Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella and Mission Overseas by Sushant Singh.
Infernal Affairs (2002) won seven Hong Kong Film Awards including best picture, best director, best actor and best supporting actor, while The Departed (2006) won four Academy awards including best picture and the long-awaited best director award for Martin Scorsese.
Watch the trailer of Infernal Affairs here: