Rishi Kapoor, who was seen playing a loud Punjabi father in Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi last week, will gear up to play a father once again, but this time in Leena Yadav's comedy drama on a father and son relationship. Shooting for the untitled film is supposed to begin this November-December in Delhi.
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The most obvious choice of actor to play Rishi's son would be his own son, Ranbir Kapoor. However the film will see a newcomer in the role. Yadav told the newspaper Mumbai Mirror, "Ranbir is a brilliant actor, but for this character I had a boy in mind already."
The Parched director also revealed how the film came to be. In the same report, she said, "[Writer] Vivek Anchalia came up with the story idea and then Vivek, [actor] Manu Rishi Chadha and I started working on it together after I wrapped up Parched (2016). It’s about the generation gap and how technology has changed the mode of communication. It will have several interesting characters each of whom has something to say."
Reportedly, Kapoor related to the part and the script and shared his own inputs as well. Interestingly, in his next film, Kapoor will be playing the role of a 75-year old son to Amitabh Bachchan's 102-year-old father in Umesh Shukla's 102 Not Out, which is due to be released on 1 December.