Actor Vipin Sharma, who is famous for his act as the father in Taare Zameen Par (2007), will be making his directorial debut with a web series called Akki, Vikki Te Nikki. The story will centre around three aspiring actors who are struggling to make it big in the film industry.
The series is being produced by a casting agency, which has roped in around 156 actors to be a part of the series. The names of the three main leads is currently being kept under wraps.
In an official statement, Sharma shared why it is necessary to dedicate a series to the 'strugglers'. “Since we celebrated 100 years of cinema in India recently, it is time to pay tribute to these actors who dressed in their best, roaming the streets of Mumbai going from door to door, asking sheepishly, ‘Audition hai kya aaj?’ looking for that golden opportunity, which will turn them into a star,” he said. Sharma is also known for his acts in films like Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster (2011) and Gangs Of Wasseypur (2012).
The producers were earlier supposed to make a feature film, but they later decided to turn the story into an episodic web series. “The content was beautiful and we couldn’t have done justice to it in 2.5 or 3 hours. Hence we decided to make a web series instead of a feature film,” reasoned producer Surendra Bohra.
Akki, Vikki Te Nikki will be released during Diwali on 19 October.